آخرین مقالات منتشر شده با محصولات دنازیست
در اینجا آخرین مقالاتی که در پژوه خود از محصولات دنازیست آسیا استفاده کردهاند قرار گرفته است.
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برای هر مقاله «ارگانیسم مورد استفاده»، «نمونهای که استفاده شده» و «محصولی از دنازیست که در مقاله از آن استفاده شده است» قرار داده شده است.
با کلیک بر روی عنوان محصول مورد استفاده به صفحه محصول مورد نظر هدایت میشوید.
- Tahami MS, Hojat-Ansari M, Namyatova A, Sadeghi S. Molecular phylogeny of cave dwelling Eremogryllodes crickets (Orthoptera, Myrmecophilidae) across Zagros Mountains and Southern Iran. International Journal of Speleology. 2021;50(2):8.
[Eremogryllodes crickets / Leg] — (2021) — Animal Tissue DNA isolation kit
- Shekarriz R, Alikhani R, Ghasemi M, Navaei RA, Hashemi-Soteh MB. Correlation of–160C> A and–347GA> G polymorphisms in E-cadherin gene and gastric cancer in north of Iran. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences: The Official Journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. 2021;26.
[Human / BLOOD] — (2021) — Blood DNA isolation kit
- A novel approach towards obesity: The use of a bacterial product, gassericin A, in 3T3-L1 cells
[Mouse / 3T3-L1] — (2021) — FBS
- Azizi T, Daneshyar M, Allymehr M, Tukmechi A, Khalilvandi Behroozyar H, Shalizar Jalali A. Combination of Lactobacillus species and yeast ameliorates adverse effect of deoxynivalenol contaminated diet on immune system, gut morphology and jejunal gene expression in broiler chickens. Italian Journal of Animal Science. 2021 Jan 1;20(1):59-70.
[Bird / jejunum] — (2021) — Column RNA isolation kit
- Aliakbari M, Cohen SP, Lindlöf A, Shamloo-Dashtpagerdi R. Rubisco activase A (RcaA) is a central node in overlapping gene network of drought and salinity in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and may contribute to combined stress tolerance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2021 Apr 1;161:248-58.
[Barley / RcaA] — (2021) — Column RNA isolation kit
- Azizi T, Daneshyar M, Allymehr M, Jalali AS, Behroozyar HK, Tukmechi A. The impact of deoxynivalenol contaminated diet on performance, immune response, intestine morphology and jejunal gene expression in broiler chicken. Toxicon. 2021 Aug 1;199:72-8.
[Bird / jejunum] — (2021) — Column RNA isolation kit
- Ranjbary AG, Saleh GK, Azimi M. Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Induce Apoptosis in HT-29 Cells by Increasing ROS and Damaging DNA.
[Human / HT-29 colon cancer cell] — (2021) — Total RNA isolation kit
- Zamir-Nasta T, Ahmadi A, Yazdkhasti M, Pazhouhi M, Jalili C, Rezaei K. Effects of Exposure to Aflatoxin G1 on the Plasma Biochemical Factors and Histopathological Properties of Renal Tissue in Mice. Iranian Journal of Toxicology. 2021 May 10;15(2):127-34.
[Mice / Kidney] — (2021) — Total RNA isolation kit
- Azimi M, Mehrzad J, Ahmadi A, Ahmadi E, Ghorbani Ranjbary A. Apoptosis induced by Ziziphora tenuior essential oil in human colorectal cancer cells. BioMed Research International. 2021 Jul 22;2021.
[Ziziphora Essential Oil / Leaves and branches] — (2021) — Total RNA isolation kit