آخرین مقالات منتشر شده با محصولات دنازیست
در اینجا آخرین مقالاتی که در پژوه خود از محصولات دنازیست آسیا استفاده کردهاند قرار گرفته است.
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برای هر مقاله «ارگانیسم مورد استفاده»، «نمونهای که استفاده شده» و «محصولی از دنازیست که در مقاله از آن استفاده شده است» قرار داده شده است.
با کلیک بر روی عنوان محصول مورد استفاده به صفحه محصول مورد نظر هدایت میشوید.
- Adamipour N, Nazari F, Vafaee Y, Teixeira da Silva JA. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Affects Genes and Metabolites Involved in the Polyamine Biosynthetic Pathway of Pot Marigold Under Drought Stress. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2023 Jul 21:1-5.
[Pot Marigold / leaves] — (2023) — Column RNA isolation kit
- Haji Mehdi Nouri Z, Tafvizi F, Amini K, Khandandezfully N, Kheirkhah B. Enhanced Induction of Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest in MCF-7 Breast Cancer and HT-29 Colon Cancer Cell Lines via Low-Dose Biosynthesis of Selenium Nanoparticles Utilizing Lactobacillus casei. Biological Trace Element Research. 2023 Jul 1:1-7.
[] — (2023) — FBS
- Haji Mehdi Nouri Z, Tafvizi F, Amini K, Khandandezfully N, Kheirkhah B. Enhanced Induction of Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest in MCF-7 Breast Cancer and HT-29 Colon Cancer Cell Lines via Low-Dose Biosynthesis of Selenium Nanoparticles Utilizing Lactobacillus casei. Biological Trace Element Research. 2023 Jul 1:1-7.
[] — (2023) — DENAzist Media
- Oloumi H, Khaleghi M, Dalvand A. Isolation and identification of endophytic actinobacteria from Iris persica and Echium amoenum plants and investigation of their effects on germination and growth of wheat plant. Food Science & Nutrition. 2023
[Actinobacteria / Genomic DNA] — (2023) — Bacterial DNA isolation kit
- hibiscus
[Hibiscus] — (2023) — Column RNA isolation kit
- Dehdilani N, Goshayeshi L, Yousefi Taemeh S, Bahrami AR, Rival Gervier S, Pain B, Dehghani H. Integrating Omics and CRISPR Technology for Identification and Verification of Genomic Safe Harbor Loci in the Chicken Genome. Biological Procedures Online. 2023 Dec;25(1):1-20.
[EGFP] — (2023) — Plasmid DNA isolation kit
- Dehdilani N, Goshayeshi L, Yousefi Taemeh S, Bahrami AR, Rival Gervier S, Pain B, Dehghani H. Integrating Omics and CRISPR Technology for Identification and Verification of Genomic Safe Harbor Loci in the Chicken Genome. Biological Procedures Online. 2023 Dec;25(1):1-20.
[Chicken / DF1 cells] — (2023) — Animal Tissue DNA isolation kit
- Dehdilani N, Goshayeshi L, Yousefi Taemeh S, Bahrami AR, Rival Gervier S, Pain B, Dehghani H. Integrating Omics and CRISPR Technology for Identification and Verification of Genomic Safe Harbor Loci in the Chicken Genome. Biological Procedures Online. 2023 Dec;25(1):1-20.
[Chicken / DF1 cells] — (2023) — Column RNA isolation kit
- Dehdilani N, Goshayeshi L, Yousefi Taemeh S, Bahrami AR, Rival Gervier S, Pain B, Dehghani H. Integrating Omics and CRISPR Technology for Identification and Verification of Genomic Safe Harbor Loci in the Chicken Genome. Biological Procedures Online. 2023 Dec;25(1):1-20.
[] — (2023) — PBS - Cell grade
- Tardast Z, Iranbakhsh A, Ebadi M, Oraghi Ardebili Z. Corona discharge plasma stimulated production of atropine in callus of Datura inoxia by DNA hypomethylation and gene regulation: a novel technology for plant cell and tissue culture. Protoplasma. 2023 May 26:1-1.
[Datura innoxia / callus] — (2023) — Column RNA isolation kit
- Soufi HR, Roosta HR, Stępień P, Malekzadeh K, Hamidpour M. Manipulation of light spectrum is an effective tool to regulate biochemical traits and gene expression in lettuce under different replacement methods of nutrient solution. Scientific Reports. 2023 May 26;13(1):8600.
[Lettuce / Leaf] — (2023) — Column RNA isolation kit
- Danaeifar A, Khaleghi E, Zivdar S, Mehdikhanlou K. Physiological, biochemical, and gene expression of Sour Orange (Citrus aurantium L.) to Iron (II)-Arginine Chelate under salinity, alkalinity, and salt–alkali combined stresses. Scientia Horticulturae. 2023 Sep 1;319:112146.
[Orange / leaves] — (2023) — Column RNA isolation kit